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We are a company that offers a wide range of products to solve your home security and personal safety needs. We specialize in DO-IT-YOURSELF(DIY) home security solutions and self defense products

Personal safety is a universal need. Crime happen to people regardless of gender, age, where they live or work. Protect and empower yourself and your loved ones against attacks with one of our many self defense products. We carry only the hihgest quality of products, including pepper spray, stun guns,self defense key chains, Tasers ,metal batons and other hand-held self defense weapons designed to ensure that you and your loved ones can avoid attack and reach safety.

Our DIY home security products include the latest in access control, including locks, safes and key hiders. We also have a large selection of security lighting and alarms.

Our products allow you to monitor your home or business while away. Adding this line of defense to your home security has proven to be effective. Whether using covert survelliance to monitor your home or office


Extension 4, Gaborone, Gaborone, Botswana