A Full-Service Law Firm in Gaborone
The founder of the law firm Mr. Letsweletse Martin Mogakolodi Dingake, is a prominent Motswana lawyer that has extensive experience in human rights and Botswana Constitutional Law. DLP is a partnership of Mr. Letsweletse Martin Dingake and Mrs. Dikeledi Phoo Dingake and two Associates; Ms. Katlego Sefako and Ms Dimpho Ramarumo.
Our Practice Areas
• Debt Collection
• Criminal Law
• Matrimonial
• Intellectual Property
• Labour Law
• Public Procurement
• Conveyancing
• Corporate And Commercial Law
Motheo Court | 26 Bray Street | Peolwane Block 7 | Plot 60592
Unit 7, The Courtyard Riverwalk, Gaborone

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