MASHAYINKONJANE INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED started as a sole traders business which was granted a trading license in the Kingdom of Swaziland on the 22nd of June 2012. The business has since incorporated into a company on the 25th September 2014. The company shareholders / Directors are Mr. Sifiso F Nhlengetfwa and Mrs. Tibuyile Nhlengetfwa. The business premises are situated in Madonsa area before reaching the areas Umphakatsi 1.5 kilometres from Manzini town. Although the company is situated in Madonsa targeting a population of approximately 1 700 people, however not only the retail aspect of business does it do, the business also is into processing/manufacturing and distribution sector. This means the business license right enable it to a) process/ manufacture, b) distribute and c) stock its products intended or offered.
The business is in the processing/ manufacture of beef related products. The business purchases livestock through well sophisticated trucks from the public or livestock supply companies and slaughter them thus process them into different products. Other enhancing products are being ordered to complete the products as well. The business is in the manufacture of products such as braaiworse, mincemeat, sausages and burgers to name but a few. On another note the meat is processed and packaged in different sizes suitable for retail customers and individual customers.
Madonsa before Emnyenyweni Royal Kraal Manzini