Onsite Energy Limited is a Zambian onsite refueling company that was created in response to ease the hassle associated with fueling company transport fleets, genset, boilers, storage tanks, construction or farm machinery in a variety of industries in the Zambian market. Our concept is that while we take care of your fuel needs, we allow you to concentrate on your core business and thus reduce on operational costs. We provide high level customer service with our trained team meeting your refueling needs for your business.
We deliver fuel directly to your vehicles/equipment tank during periods of downtime.
Onsite Energy has a delivery fleet designed for the delivery of fuel to meet your refueling requirements, we provide high quality diesel fuel to delivery directly to your vehicles/equipment fuel tank at your business premises, or to your equipment directly on the job-site 24/7.
The pay-off is two-fold: first, your business is no longer paying for hours of unproductive labor while operators go to find fuel. Second, your business gains 30 minutes of productive time per day to move more goods, deliver more packages, dig more holes, or construct more roads.
5184 Chishango Road, Villa Elizabetha, Lusaka, Zambia
