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Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO) is a Parastatal organization under the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. The Company generates, transmits, distributes and sells electricity to Tanzania Mainland and sells bulk power to the Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO), which in turn sells it to the public in islands Unguja and Pemba. TANESCO owns most of the electricity generating, transmitting and distributing facilities in Tanzania Mainland with has an estimated population of 50milion.

The German colonialists established the first public electricity supply in Tanzania (which was then called Tanganyika) in 1908 at Dar es Salaam. It served the railway workshops and a part of the town where the colonialists were mostly staying. When the Tanganyika territory was mandated to Great Britain in 1920, a Government Electricity Department was formed to take over and operate the public supplies left by the Germans.

In 1931, the Government handed over the undertaking at Dar es Salaam and those elsewhere upcountry (Dodoma, Tabora and Kigoma) to private enterprises. One of these companies was the Tanganyika Electric supply Company Ltd. (TANESCO) which was established on 26th November 1931 and the other company was the Dar es Salaam and District Electric Supply Company Ltd (DARESCO). The two companies merged in 1964 and later changed its name into Tanzania Electric Supply Company which exist today.


Plot No. 114, Block G, Dar es Salaam Road, P.O.Box 453 Dodoma.
